Friday, October 17, 2008


The leaves are changing and gorgeous! I think next week the foliage will be at its peak. I need to go to the Delaware River and try to get some
more pictures of these amazing trees.

Fred has been in Texas this week. He is there for a new employee training and learning a lot about Schlumberger. While he is away we have kept extremely busy! Each night we have had dinner with friends. I could not have asked for more support and generosity. We also keep busy during our days too. I have not made it to the grocery store as life is a bit more simple thi
s week. But, we went to the park today and have been to the library and a kids' concert at the mall.

I cannot keep up with sweeping the leaves in the driveway. And, I am waiting for some bulbs to arrive so I can plant them before the frost. I am nervous about Winter, but have several people to
help me know where to buy supplies and what to get: snow boots, jackets, warm clothes etc. Fall and Winter also mean more soups, stews, hot wine, fondue and comforting foods.

Our house is staying comfortable. We have lowered some storm windows (the second pane) and turned on the heater for cold mornings. We are not eating in the sun room anym
ore and figuring out where is most comfortable to eat our meals.

This past month we have been to several parks, a birthday party, the fire house for their annual pancake breakfast and also had friends to dinner. We also go to the orchard and our latest purchase were our pumpkins.

We will be in California next month and look forward to a visit with friends and family! Have a wonderful Halloween!
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