Wednesday, December 17, 2008

We love the snow!

It has snowed here about 4 times I think. It dusts the ground, looks pretty while it is falling and so far has not created much of an obstacle. I actually wish it would snow a little more and stay longer. That way the kids and I could really get out and play. I still have not made a snow man or had much of a snowball fight. I have also not experienced early dismissals or canceled school because of the snow! I am so curious. I am also curious about how thrilled I will be come early Spring. So far, the snow is great!
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Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! Betsy cooked her first, whole Thanksgiving meal this year! Last time she tried a Thanksgiving meal she was in college...10 years ago. She was thankful that the meal turned out and everything tasted good. She was also thankful to have friends to cook for. Everyone had a great time including the kids. They ran around most of the night and had a great time.

Now, the house is starting to be decorated for Christmas. We will chop a few trees in our yard to bring inside and decorate. We also need to hang lights! Fred is hanging the biggest light of all as he is installing a chandelier in our dining room. I am hoping to have a painted, finished room for Christmas and in time for my mom's visit on the 28th.

We send you all warm wishes and hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
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